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Interview preparation is often a shot in the dark. You prepare for certain lines of questioning before the interview and leave flummoxed by the time you’re done. We set out to resolve this enigma by quantitatively analyzing what companies are really looking for when you walk through that door.

Dynamic Design

Peer behind the curtains of the companies you want to work for.

Versatile Visualization

Sit back and watch Sherlock create smart, intuitive spider charts to explain how to better your performance.

Systematic Scraping

Sherlock scans company websites for keywords related to company philosophy and the outlook expected of employees so you always walk in prepared.

Wicked Watson

Sherlock partners with Watson on Bluemix to deliver powerful tone analysis.

Interpersonal Interaction

Interview questions are asked and answered verbally so you are well prepared to speak to your interviewers confidently.

Outline Free HTML5 Responsive Bootstrap Template

Interviewing anytime soon?

Sherlock's your Savior.
The Game is On. Don't miss out!